As we come back to this passage in 2 Peter, open up the text and read it again. We’re considering 2 Peter 1:3-15.

Remember the wonderful reality of God’s love for us, and his work through Christ, bringing us into close fellowship with himself. This is a state of existence that we cannot even begin to imagine what it will be like in glory. But even now, realizing that in this world we are in some sense partaking of that glory today – it is beyond comprehension, and causes the heart to worship.

Because of what I have tasted here on earth of this unfathomable glory, my desire is now turned to the triune God himself. I love being in God’s word day and night. I hear of his love for me, and what he has accomplished. I so desire that every thought, word, and deed would be filled with love for the God who loved me. God’s work on my behalf produces faith in me.

As those who have been called by Christ and have come to him, we have faith in him. This faith is the starting point of Christian life. My feelings about my faith will ebb and flow, but my faith is not in my feelings. My faith is in God himself, who changes not, and I must keep my eyes fixed there. The moment I start analyzing my faith, and how much I have, and how much I feel, I will sink as Peter did when he took his eyes off of Christ. Turn your eyes away from yourself, and toward your God. Let your eyes of faith behold him in majesty.