We need to take time to make sure we understand clearly what the Bible says about certain issues, and to discern what is right and wrong.

During these times of study, edge cases will arise. A situation you are aware of, are living through, or have read or heard about may come to mind, and cause you to wonder how the Bible would address that.

I would strongly suggest writing down those situations as you think of them, and avoid addressing them during your time of purposeful study. Why am I recommending this? After all, shouldn’t we seek to understand these more difficult matters?

The reason I’m saying to wait is that, during this season of study and prayer, it would be very helpful to first seek to understand what God has laid out in scripture. Once we understand the principles, design, and purposes that God has put in place, then we can start applying it to those edge cases.

Now, here’s where it gets difficult: You start looking at those edge cases from the biblical basis that you have studied out. It is tempting to want to form a general principle based on how we answer the edge case. However, this is not the time to establish general principles. Edge cases are edge cases because they need to be addressed on a case by case basis.

This is difficult because it means that we can’t settle a get-out-of-jail-free card based on one edge case and apply it universally. We will have to do the hard work of applying scripture to the edge cases, every time they come up, even when they seem similar to other edge cases we’ve seen before.

Why is it different each time? Because we are talking about different people each time. We all agree that no two people are alike, but yet we don’t want to take the time to address the individual people involved in an edge case. This leads to assumptions being made, and incorrect conclusions being reached.

Just to state the obvious: I am not saying that the truth we see in scripture is different for different people, or that what’s true for one person is not true for someone else. I’m just saying that when dealing with edge cases, we need to treat them with the care they need. And the best way for us to do that, is to be firmly grounded in the bedrock of truth, which is the Word of God in power.